Become an OWL!

Passive member

Become a passive member by joining our facebook group follow us on facebook and sign up for our newsletter

Being a passive member is free. If passive members want to participate in OWL activities, they pay a meeting fee of 50nok per single meeting, possible entrance fees to our literary events and a submission fee to submit their work to the OWL anthologies.

Active member

Become an active member by paying the membership fee of 200nok per year. The fee can be paid via vipps to Oslo Writers League #548127 or direct deposit to account number 15061768693

Paying members are allowed to participate in every meeting, as well as the planing meetings of the board. All OWL events are either free or discounted for paying members and only paying members have voting rights at the AGM and the right to run for a seat on the board. Paying members can also submit their work for free to our anthologies. 

Board member or volunteer

Do you want to make a meaningful impact, whether through giving presentations, assisting at events, or taking a lead in planning our gatherings? Become part of our board or volunteer team! Our planning meetings are inclusive, welcoming all paying members, and we announce them in our monthly newsletter. Reach out, drop us an email, or connect with us during our regular meetings. Your support is invaluable, and we're thrilled to have you on board!